Monday, February 1, 2010

Thesis Statement Exercises

1. Essay Question:

“In a five paragraph essay, describe three approaches you take when studying for a test”

Your 3 Main Points:

a.) Discuss with a teachers and friends

b.) Do a revision regularly

c.) Do not study at last minuted

Your Thesis Statement:

There are three approaches to take when studying for a test.The first way is to discuss with your neither with your friends or with your teachers.Do a revision regularly.Lastly do not study at last minute,because at that time you didn’t prepare as well,and you’ll may lose everything.


2. Essay Question:

“Discuss some of the issues students face when attending UiTM.”

Your 3 Main Points:

a.) A new changed lifestyle

b.) Separated with family


Your Thesis Statement:


3. Essay Question:

“Life at college comes with many different challenges. Of course, people face and/or deal with their problems in a variety of ways. Please describe one problem or issue you face, and some of the ways you deal with student related problems/issues.”

Your 3 Main Points:

a.) Involve in many activities



Your Thesis Statement:


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